Entries by admin

Latvia: renewed collaboration on VET with Germany

In August 2023, the Latvian and German education ministries signed a declaration of cooperation in the fields of vocational education and training (VET) and lifelong learning. The declaration acknowledged the importance of sharing knowledge about VET policies, systems, measures, models, methods, and best practices. It is the third declaration of this kind since 2013. Full…

Latvia: international vocational education forum hosted by VET school in Ogre

On 26 and 27 September 2023, as part of the European Year of Skills, the Ogre Technical School in Latvia hosted the international vocational education forum ‘Planet of skills: renewed perspective on networking potential’. More than 700 experts and practitioners from 72 countries and international organisations participated in the forum sharing their experiences and vision…

Latvia: upskilling pathways introduced in legislation

On 1 May 2023, the government regulations allowing recognition of competences for VET admission entered into force. They introduced principles of the Council Recommendation Upskilling pathways: new opportunities for adults in the national legislation. Full article available here.

Latvia: sectoral qualifications supporting VET curricula reform

The project on improving the sectoral qualification system for better VET quality, supported by the European Structural Funds, was completed in 2022. It has helped reforming the VET curricula based on the changing labour market needs in collaboration with social partners and other stakeholders. More information available here.

Latvia: integrating the Ukrainian refugees into VET and labour market

Currently, there are more than 24 thousand Ukrainian refugees in Latvia, including 700 at school age. They receive free housing, regional transportation, health care and education services. Ukrainians have the right to receive education and to work in Latvia. Children may enter pre-school education …

Latvia: combatting early leaving from education and training bears fruit

Since March 2017, the State Education Quality Service has been implementing the project ‘Support for the Reduction of Early School Leaving’ (ESF involving more than 95% of municipalities and 584 general and vocational education and training (VET) providers. The project promotes the development of a system of sustainable cooperation between municipalities, education institutions, teachers,…

Latvia: centralised approach to graduate tracking

A national centralised graduate tracking, based on administrative data, was implemented in higher education in 2019. In VET, the implementation is in progress. The education ministry has already acquired initial data (2018 and 2019) on VET graduates from the national statistics office. However, publishing the data (analysis by the ministry) requires changes in the legislation…

Latvia: vocational education excellence centres support other VET schools

The Ministry of Education and Science pays great attention to the relevance of the vocational education programmes to labour market needs. This requires day-to-day cooperation between schools and industries, and a clear methodology that allows the strongest VET providers in each sector to take a leading role. According to the ministry, this approach will also…

Latvia: new momentum for green approaches in VET

National vocational education and training (VET) policy is currently focusing on green challenges. The draft education strategy 2021-27 makes green thinking and digital competences a priority. Full Cedefop article is available here.

Graduate tracking gaining momentum

While centralised graduate tracking for tertiary education is being implemented, secondary level VET tracking exists only at school level. The work on centralised system is in the progress and the initial administrative data on the year 2018 VET graduates has been received from the Central Statistical Bureau at the end of 2020. Meanwhile amendments have…

Schools strengthen link between employers to further improvement of the quality of vocational education and training (VET)

In February, the Ministry of Education and Science Republic of Latvia, in cooperation with the National Centre for Education, organised workshops for vocational education competence centres (VECC) and another vocational schools inviting the Sector Expert Councils (SEC). The goal the workshops was to identify VECC responsible for methodological work according to the group of curricula….

Methodical tasks for vocational education excellence centres

On April 6, 2021 by Order of Ministry of Education, all 18 Vocational Education Competence Centres (VECS) under supervision of the Ministry received the tasks to perform methodogical tasks: to supervise methodical work in at least one sector and to be co-responsilbe for methodical work in other sectors under supervision of other VECs in the…

The ReferNet Information Network seminar was held On 17th December

Towards the end of the year, the ReferNet National Contact Point team invited the participants of the information network to an online seminar providing information on the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) and the ReferNet network of contact points, Latvian and European developments in vocational education, as well as more information…

European Vocational Skills Week

European Vocational Skills Week take place between 9 and 13 November 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year all events are organized online. European Vocational Skills Week is an annual event where local, regional or national organizations showcase the very best of vocational education and training (VET). The focus for 2020 is vocational education…

European skills index 2020

The European Skills Index (ESI) is Cedefop’s composite indicator measuring the performance of EU skills systems. The ESI measures countries’ “distance to the ideal” performance. This ideal performance is chosen as the highest achieved by any country over a period of 7 years. The ideal performance is scaled to be 100 and the scores of all countries…

Latvia: VET during the Covid-19 outbreak

Cedefop has published an article on recommendations and support provided to educational institutions in Latvia during an emergency. Cedefop article is available here.

Latvia: the Baltic States develop common approaches to work-based learning

The five-year collaboration between the education ministries and other stakeholders in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia seeking common approaches to work-based learning (WBL) and WBL tutor training is bearing fruit. The TTT4WBL project, which was started in 2015 , contributed to joint conceptual approaches towards WBL in the Baltics and the TTT4WBL policy experimentation project tested…